Frontside 180 -
1. Before attempting any spin, just practice popping off the jump and get a feel for the landing. You may want to practice riding switch so after you spin you will land regular ensuring better balance for your landing. 2. After figuring out which direction you want to jump, regular or switch, just do it. Once you pop off, spin your front foot backwards while pulling your back foot forwards. Make sure you have enough rotation and air to be able to completely spin 180 degrees. 3. Land with knees bent and board facing downhill. If your upper body is not all the way rotated that is okay. When your board touches down put a little weight on your heel edge to stop the momentum from spinning. Regain balance and control, then ride away.
*Note: A backside 180 is the exact opposite of mentioned above. Spin front foot forwards while pushing back foot backwards.
Switch Frontside 360 -
1. Before trying a switch three, you will need to have a grasp on frontside 180's. The technique is exactly the same except you spin 360 degrees versus 180. 2. Have plenty of speed when coming to the lip of the jump. When there, start rotation with upper body and pop off your heels. Spin front foot backwards while pulling back foot forwards. Knees to chest, you can possibly perform a grab as well. 3. Remember you will be landing switch, so be comfortable with your spin around 270 degrees and start looking for landing. Now is the time to release the grab if you performed one. 4. Land flat based with both feet and ride away switch stance.
Backside 540 -
1. The prerequisites for backside 5's are being able to successfully execute a backside 360 and backside 180. Again, you want to be comfortable landing switch and keeping your balance. 2. Set up by approaching the lip of the jump as if you were carving on your toe edge slightly. Keep weight on your toes staying low and prepare upper body to initiate the spin. 3. As your board leaves the lip, pop off your toes starting rotation with your shoulders and head. Remember which direction you are spinning (front foot goes forward and back goes backward for backside spins), rotate your board following your head and shoulders. 4. Tuck your knees to your chest and perform a grab (if you want) as soon as possible while looking over your trailing shoulder. 5. Once you've completed one full revolution, glance at your landing zone and make any final decisions in the last 180. 6. After one and a quarter spins (450 degrees), release your grab and lower your legs. Making sure to keep your knees bent a little, land flat based both feet. Once the landing is complete, ride away fakie and scream for joy as you just performed your first backside 540. Be sure to continue practicing until you nail it every time.
"The Life & Times of Timothy MacAlistaire", Timothy MacAlistaire, 2008
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online tattoo designs
16 years ago
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