Monday, December 15, 2008

Cheap snowboarding gear

What's the deal with cheap snowboarding gear? Is it even worth buying cheap snowboarding gear? These are some questions that you might be asking yourself when shopping for new equipment. Nobody wants to spend a fortune shopping, but snowboarding in general is an expensive sport. You have to have snowboard pants, a jacket, gloves, goggles, snowboard boots, bindings and a snowboard. And if that wasn't already enough you have to buy a lift ticket. Like I said snowboarding is an expensive sport, but there are ways to save some money buy buying cheap snowboarding gear.
First of all lets quickly acknowledge the difference between cheap and expensive snowboarding gear. Materials are the only difference, shapes and styles are often the same, but the expensive gear is made with better materials and better materials are more responsive and last longer.
SO...when and where is it o.k. to buy cheap snowboarding gear?
I can tell you that buying a cheap snowboard is o.k. A cheap snowboard should cost somewhere between $250-$350( sometimes even cheaper depending on certain discounts found at online snowboarding stores). Going cheap on a snowboard doesn't really make such a huge difference unless you are dropping big lines. Cheap snowboards are a lot softer which makes it easier to learn how to make turns if your a beginner, and if your an intermediate rider trying to get better by doing tricks having a softer board will help.
One place you don't want to go cheap is on your bindings. Cheap bindings will break easily, especially if the temperatures get cold. You should spend a minimum of $150 on snowboard bindings( you can find good bindings for cheaper buy shopping at online snowboarding stores because they sell last season's top of the line gear at really discounted prices, just make sure the original retail price was about $150).
If your a beginner you don't want to go too cheap on your snowboard pants because you will be spending a lot of time on your butt and you want pants that have enough water-proofing to keep you dry all day long. Check the pants water-proof ranking. A water proofing of 7,000-10,000mm will be enough, unless your riding in the Northwest where you will need 10,000-20,000mm water proofing due to the high moisture content of the snow.
Buying cheap snowboard boots is kind of hard to call because some people will tell you never get cheap boots, but i say if you are only planning on snowboarding a few times a year then it is o.k. to buy cheap snowboard boots. Cheap boots should cost around $100-$120(sometimes cheaper online).
As for your goggles, jacket, and gloves it is easy to save money because it's not necessary to have the most expensive. Just be aware of the weather conditions you will be riding in because you don't want cold wet hands. If you are riding in the northwest you should consider a gore-tex glove. If you are riding in the northeast consider a mitten-style glove, they are much warmer.
Obviously this article is not for everyone. If you are an experienced rider you already know what you like and how much it's going to cost you, but for the beginner and intermediate rider knowing when and where to save money by buying cheap snowboard gear might be the deciding factor between years of riding verse giving it up due to the high cost.
I don't want anyone to give up snowboarding, it's the greatest sport. It's unfortunate that many people will never really get into it because of the cost. Hopefully, though, the information in this article will help you save some money.
Online snowboarding stores are usually the best place to find high-quality snowboarding gear for cheap. They always sell last season's expensive gear for cheap. Sometimes they even have brand new gear from 2 years ago that is still the same as today, just different logos...BUT for 70% off. They also carry the current seasons gear with better discounts then at local shops.
Here is a link to a snowboarding website that has collected a list of online snowboarding stores that you can shop at and save money. Click here for the online snowboarding store directory
Hope this information has been helpful.
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